Unveiling the Mysteries: Your Winter Solstice Horoscope Guide 2023
Virginia CastiglioneShare
Disclaimer: This isn’t legal, medical, or financial advice and should be used for entertainment use only.
We start out the month with Mercury in retrograde since December 13th. It starts out its retrograde in the Zodiac sign of Capricorn, meaning that the confusion, misunderstandings, and general chaotic and annoying situations apply especially to the professional world. It will go direct shortly after the New Year, on January 2nd, 2024. After that date, we will collectively be sighing a sigh of relief. Patience and thinking before you speak are recommended for this holiday season to avoid friction with family and friends.
During winter, on the last day of 2023, we will see Jupiter in the sign of Taurus going direct. Expansion and good luck will be in the air for all of us, especially in areas that have to do with the sign of Taurus – gradually building wealth and income streams, recuperating from psychological issues around food and nutrition, getting more rest, sleep, and a better diet, your relationship to objects and investing in a few quality items that will last you a long time are all areas where we will be blessed with good luck collectively until May next year.
Another date we should all watch out for is January 21st. On that date, Pluto will end once and for all its long transit through Capricorn, which made cardinal signs (Aries, Libra, Cancer, and Capricorn) really go through it. This is so because Pluto is the planet of metaphorical deaths, endings, transformation, transmutation, and renewal. Its energy is very intense, though not always in a negative way, but even when it blesses us, it leaves out exhausted and with a lot to process. It will move towards Aquarius, and now the Fixed signs (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius) should prepare for a long period of intensity, both internal and brought by external events.
Regarding New and Full Moons this winter, we start with the Full Moon in Cancer on December 27th, bringing an energy release in the way we deal with our emotions, our past, and our families. Remember that Full Moons are a time for harvest and New Moons are a time to plant new seeds.
The first New Moon of the year on January 11th will take place in the Zodiac sign of Capricorn. This is a great opportunity for all of us to manifest a fresh new start in our careers and the way we are perceived by the masses. Those of you who are still unsure about what you want to do long-term for your career can manifest a better social media presence. The first Full Moon of the year, on January 25th, will take place on the Zodiac sign of Leo. It is an overall great day to conceive. Those of you who have been doing inner child healing will reap the rewards big time, and those of you who are artistically inclined may be particularly inspired.
The New Moon on February 9th, in the Zodiac sign of Aquarius, is a great time to manifest new friendships or find a sense of community, especially if your manifestations are accompanied by a sincere commitment to social justice and/or environmental issues. The final Full Moon of the winter on February 24th, in the Zodiac sign of Virgo, will make us reap what we sowed, good or bad, regarding our habits in our health and the workplace. Prepare for it by getting organized and giving your health, both mental and physical, your best efforts.
Those of you with an Aries rising will have to be extra careful when communicating in the workplace and posting content that counts towards your personal brand till the beginning of January. This is because Mercury will be retrograding in your tenth house of career and reputation. Your words could be misconstrued and confusion and misunderstandings in the workplace could happen. This all clears up by January 2nd, when Mercury goes retrograde after moving back to Sagittarius.
December the 27th, however, is a positive day for your career as the Sun, transiting through your tenth house of career, forms a harmonious aspect with Jupiter, stationed in your second house of finances and personal assets. Speaking about finances, Jupiter, the planet of good luck, has been transiting your second house of personal finances since May last year and it’s due to stay there until May next year. However, if your finances have been stagnant lately, don’t fret. That’s because this planet has been retrograde since September this year. Once it goes direct on the very last day of 2023, expect to make it rain.
January is a month where the focus seems to be on career. Throughout the month, there is a lot of planetary energy in your tenth house of career and reputation as Mars starts its transit through said house in January 4th, followed by Mercury on January 14th, and Venus on January 23rd. The Sun has already started its transit there by the end of December and will continue until the 21st. What does this mean? Mars is the planet of being proactive, dealing with conflict and anger, and healthy competition. Mercury signals in which area of your life you will have your thinking cap on and make efforts throughout communicating. Venus represents your sense of aesthetics and your core values, and can also signal money coming into an area of your life. This indicates that a lot of you energy will go into bettering your career somehow, and this could include a promotion or new paying clients for some of you.
On January 10th, as the Sun in your tenth house will form a trine with Uranus in your second house of personal finances, indicating you may have unexpected but positive news regarding your finances or your wage. The next day, January 11th, we have the New Moon of the month also in your tenth house of career and reputation. This is the day in 2024 to manifest new career opportunities and getting ahead in your industry.
Good fortune regarding your finances and career continue on January 12th and January 19th as Mars and Mercury respectively form harmonious aspects with Jupiter. On January 28th, you may experience a sprinkle of good luck as Mercury forms a trine with Uranus. On this instance, the good fortune may be unexpected and come to you as a surprise. The 29th is particularly lucky regarding both your finances and career as both Venus and Mars form harmonious aspects with different planets transiting your second house of finances.
January is not all about career, though there is undeniably a marked focus there. On January 25th, the Full Moon of the month takes place in your fifth house of fun, the arts, casual relationships, romance, and children. You’ll be reaping what you sowed in the last six months in these areas.
During February, you can expect a lot of tension between your friends and your finances, especially on February 8th, February 10th, February 17th, February 25th, and February 27th. This can manifest in a variety of ways. Maybe your social life will be super hectic and you’ll find yourself spending more money than you’d like during get-togethers. Maybe a friend will need a hefty loan. Maybe you’ll be pushed to deliver socially more than what you are capable of physically. The frenzy to see friends after the holidays is real after such a focus is place on family. Just make sure the happy times you spend with friends in February don’t take too much of a toll on you, financially or physically.
The winter starts off with some opportunities for growth regarding your committed partnership. This is so because on December 21st Venus in your seventh house of committed partnership and forming an opposition with Uranus in your first house of self and identity. Something unexpected and surprising may come up from your side that kind of throws your partner off balance. Your partnership will be safe if you both take it as an opportunity to grow.
On December 25th, there will be a beautiful dialogue between planets in your seventh house of committed partnership and Neptune in your eleventh house of friendship and community. You may meet someone exciting through friends, sparks may fly between yourself and a friend, or your partner may be getting along beautifully with your friends.
Jupiter has been retrograde for a few months in your first house of self and identity for a few months now, pressing the pause button for the luck you experienced in May when Jupiter moved to your own sign. It will go direct on December 31st. You will be starting out the new year with good luck on your side and yearning for intellectual and spiritual expansion.
In January, there is some serious movement in your career. Some of you will be ending a certain job or even entire career in favor of newer and greater things, others will see some other sort of dramatic change. This is so because Pluto, the planet of transformation, destruction, and renewal, will enter your tenth house of career and reputation on January 21st. These huge changes could impact your sense of identity, indicated by the fact that there will be some tension between the Sun in your tenth house of career and Jupiter in your first house of self. Your career may not be aligning with your sense of purpose, and this may lead you to making some changes if they haven’t happened yet on the 21st. Change is definitely in the cards for your career as the winter progresses.
Your mental energy will be especially focused on your career after Mercury moves into your tenth house on February 5th and comes together with Pluto. For those of you who still have not seen the career transformation that’s due to materialize at some point soon, you may be able to articulate it in words or have an illuminating conversation about it on or around this date. The New Moon on February 9th will take place on your tenth house of career and reputation and is a great time to manifest either clarity or some opportunities coming your way. This energy of manifestation will be aided as Mars and Venus enter this area of your birth chart on February 13th and February 16th respectively. Mars will give you a surge in motivation and a bit of a competitive edge in your career. Venus will make you magnetic to all sorts of opportunities. On February 17th, Venus and Pluto come together, which may give you some clarity on the transformation that is happening or about to happen, especially if you try to express yourself through the arts. They will come together on February 22nd. This is a powerful date for your career and you should not miss out on dropping resumés or emailing potential clients.
February isn’t all about career. On February 25th, the Full Moon in Virgo will take place in your fifth house of fun, romance, the arts, self-expression, and children (including your inner child). This is a great date to conceive if that’s what you’re after. You will see the end of a cycle in these areas of life and reap what you sowed, for good or bad. Some of you will be making it official with a casual lover, others will be parting ways with your situationship. As Full Moons are concentrations of energy, you may be magnetic in the dating scene on or around this date as well.
The winter starts off with a lot of energy placed in your seventh house of committed partnership and business associates. A lot of your focus will be placed there. On December 22nd, the Sun will be conjunct Mercury in your seventh house of partnership. You will feel a surge of energy to start working on goals that have to do with your love life, or your partner will supplement your own energy beautifully.
On December 27th, the Full Moon of the month, in Cancer, will take place in your second house of personal finances and assets. This is a time to reap what you sowed in the last six months regarding money and income streams. If you’re not satisfied with what comes up on or around this date, take it as a sign to set New Year’s resolutions that have to do with cultivating a better relationship with money – whether that means paying off debt, stop overspending, investing, or saving, that’s up to you. Observe what comes up on or around this Full Moon and take it as an opportunity to know yourself better and improve. On this very same date, there will be some tension between your committed partner or a business associate and your career and reputation. Whether any of these components of your life will be competing for your attention or you realize that one is impacting the other negatively, take it as an opportunity to grow. This theme is repeated the following day, December 28th. The difference is that on the 27th, the way you and your partner communicate will be the thing generating tension, whereas on December 28th it’ll be all about how you two handle conflict, manage your anger, or even compete with each other.
For those of you who are single or simply yearning for some much-needed harmony after that bumpy period, on December 29th, Venus will be entering your seventh house of committed partnership. This will make you more magnetic to potential partners and attract new eligible people like crazy until it stops its transit in this area of your birth chart on January 23rd. If you’re into women, this transit may mean that a new promising potential partner who is female or very in tune with their feminine energy will enter your life. Taken less literally, it could apply to a new male suitor if it is a man who is very committed to the arts, has a profession for something that has to do with visuals, aesthetics or beauty, is very receptive and diplomatic, and likes to keep his relationships in harmony. This is a well-groomed man who always looks put together and his taste could rival any woman’s.
January will be a month of tension and bumps in the road, but, if you’re smart about it, you can use this to your favor to grow. The areas that are coming into conflict are, again, your committed partnership and/or business associates and your career and reputation. The planets lighting up in your area of committed partnership are Mercury, meaning that the way you communicate with your partner can be a source of tension, and Venus, which means conflicting values and/or one partner’s struggles with being receptive could be the source of conflict. On the other end, Neptune, which has recently gone direct after being retrograde for months, is one of the planets in your tenth house of career. Neptune rules over compassion, our sense of oneness and connection with Divinity, but also illusions and lies. Saturn is also transiting your tenth house of career. Your career achievements may be hard-earned ever since it started its transit there in March, you may face a lot of hardship but also a lot of recognition when you put in your blood, sweat, and tears. The fact that these energies are coming into conflict may mean that your partnership may be trying to show you how you’re disconnected from the more Divine aspect of whatever your career is, is trying to show you the ways in which you deceive yourself or others in your career, or how others are deceiving you, and they may also be trying to show you the ways in which your duties towards your career aren’t being fulfilled. This, in most cases, will be unconscious. Our partners can act as mirrors for us and help us grow in other areas of life.
February will be a golden month for your career as a whole. First off, on the 23rd, Mercury is entering this area of your chart. This is an excellent time to network and put yourself out there. All your communications will be wonderfully received.
You are finishing off the month on an excellent note for your career as you experience a surge of energy and motivation in this area of life. The Sun is coming together with both Mars and Saturn on February 28th, giving you clarity about your motivation behind your career efforts as well as how fulfilling your duties pays off in more ways than one.
Some Cancer risings may have been having misunderstandings and confusion with committed partners or business partners lately, as Mercury went retrograde on December 13th on the seventh house of partnership. This confusion will start to let up on January 2nd, when Mercury goes direct, in the meantime, take a deep breath and be prepared for some effective communication to prevent issues.
Those of you who are single and dating around or trying to renew the spark in your committed relationship, try to give it your best effort before December 29th, as on that date, Venus leaves your fifth house of fun, romance, casual relationships, the arts, and children, which is making you magnetic to potential partners and lovers.
The Full Moon on December 27th falls on the Zodiac sign of Cancer. This means that you may gain some clarity as to your identity or your body, or reap the fruits of what you sowed around six months ago.
January is a big month for love and friendship for Cancer risings. We start off with Mars entering your seventh house of committed partnerships on January 4th, giving you drive and stamina to work on your relationship or even introducing a whole new person to the picture, one with lots of energy and vitality. January 10th, January 12th, January 19th, January 28th, and January 29th are days when friendship and romance meet beautifully, either because your partner and your friends are getting along exceptionally well or because sparks fly between yourself and one of your friends.
Energy continues to gather in the partnership area of your birth chart as Mercury enters your seventh house on January 14th and Venus on January 23rd. Mercury is leading you to communicate with potential or actual partners and try to solve your problems with logical, or it means the arrival of a potential partner who is highly logical and skilled at communication. When Venus enters this house, start scheduling blind dates because you will be particularly magnetic to potential suitors after this date. This transit may also mean that you will meet a potential partner who is very aesthetic, artsy, and receptive.
One huge day for your finances during January is January 25th. On this day, the Full Moon in Leo will take place in your second house of personal assets and finances. You will reap what you sowed in your financial life in the last six months, whether that’s return to an investment, or having worked on your savings, or perhaps you’ll stop paying off debt on or around this date.
During February, Mercury leaves your seventh house of committed partnership, moving your mental focus elsewhere. An echo of the beautiful dialogue between friendship and commitment partnership that happened a lot in January will be seen on or around February 7th. On February 13th, Mars leaves this house, too, making you more proactive in other areas of life. Finally, on February 16th, Venus leaves your seventh house. If your relationship needs some work or you want to meet somebody, try doing your best before this date.
Your routine, habits, and work activities have been disrupted by Mercury going retrograde in December 13th. This will continue until January 2nd, 2024. Double check your calendar so you don’t get overbooked, proofread everything you have to hand in for your job, and make sure you speak to your team with care and accuracy.
By the end of the month, the energy starts to gather around either who you are casually dating or the more fun and playful aspect of an established, committed relationship. The arts and children may also acquire importance. On December 22nd, the Sun will be conjunct Mercury in your fifth house of fun and romance, making you more charismatic and giving impetus to your flirting efforts. On December 28th, Mars and Mercury will be conjunct on this very same area, giving you some extra energy for any endeavors that may fall under this category. If you’re still single and this doesn’t seem anywhere close to changing, on December 29th, Venus will be transiting this area of your chart, making you more magnetic to potential suitors.
Your career will take off as 2024 draws into a close. On December 31st, Jupiter, the planet of good luck and expansion, will go direct after being retrograde since September, so you can expect good news for the upcoming year.
During January 2024, you will be sighing a sigh of relief as Mercury goes direct on January 2nd. Some positive days to watch out for regarding your career are January 10th, January 12th, January 19th, January 28th, and January 29th. Those of you sending out resumés, trying to get new clients or trying to pivot in your career should take advantage of these dates, as there are harmonious aspects in your houses of career and the workplace.
Those of you focusing your efforts in your dating life or trying to better your committed partnership, pay attention to these dates. Pluto will enter your seventh house of committed partnership on January 21st, immediately switching up the plot for both good and bad. Those of you dating around or trying to renew the spark in your relationship have time to put in effort until January 23rd, when Venus, the planet of magnetism, leaves your fifth house of fun, the arts, and romance.
January 25th is a day to watch out for for all people with significant Leo placements, as the Full Moon will take place in this Zodiac sign. You will gain clarity about who you are and reap what you sowed regarding your sense of self.
February brings in a lot of renewals and brand new opportunities in several areas of your life. A day to watch out for in matters of career is February 7th, when Venus in your sixth house of workplace activities and habits forms a trine with Uranus in your tenth house of career and reputation. More tense dates for your career and your finances are February 8th, February 10th, February 17th, and February 25th, with a lot of conflict arising from your committed partner or business associate regarding how you spend, invest, or save your money. On February 24th, the Full Moon of this month, in Virgo, will occur in your second house of personal finances. You will reap what you sowed in your own personal finances and gain some clarity about this area.
The rest of the month, the focus will be in committed, one-to-one partnerships. On February 5th, Mercury enters your seventh house of partnership, directing your efforts at communicating there. The New Moon of February 9th in the sign of Aquarius will also affect your committed partnerships. Those of you who are single and want to manifest your dream partner can use this New Moon to manifest someone new entering your life. The energies are there to help you, since Mars, the planet of action, enters your seventh house of committed partnership on February 13th. Venus, the planet of love and aesthetics, closely follows, and they come together to bring in some beautiful energy into this area of your life on February 22nd.
As the winter is getting started, you may find yourself a bit exhausted or too tightly wound. This is so because Mercury, the ruler of your chart, went retrograde a few days before the winter, on December 13th. Take a deep breath and be armed with patience, it will continue until January 2nd. After that date, you will feel so much better and energized.
Your seventh house saw some activation as Neptune, stationed there but retrograde for many months, went direct at the beginning of December. On December 25th, there are some harmonious vibes available for this area of your life as Venus, stationed in your third house of communication, short travel, and your neighborhood, forms a trine with Neptune. You may meet someone through neighbors or siblings if you’re interested in meeting new suitors. Others will enjoy the fruits of effectively communicating with your partners.
Those of you who are single and looking or trying to renew the spark between yourself and your partner will see movement after January 4th, when Mars, the planet of action and drive, enters your fifth house of fun and romance. This is also great news for artists, as you’ll be filled with creative energy and motivation. On January 11th, the New Moon of the month is an excellent opportunity to manifest some fun with potential or current partners as it will also take place in your fifth house of fun and romance. Energy continues to be directed to your fifth house as Mercury starts its transit there on January 14th and Venus on January 23rd. Venus in particular will make you more magnetic in the dating scene, so take advantage of that. You have until February 16th to make special efforts to meet people and put yourself out there.
In February, the Full Moon will take place in your first house of self and identity, ending a cycle regarding who you are and where you’re taking your sense of self that started six months ago. You may be ready to move on to a more expansive sense of who you are with less limiting beliefs.
By the end of February, the focus shifts towards more serious aspects of your partnership, either to balance out the fun you had in January and the beginning of February or because you may have recently made things official with a casual lover. February 28th is a powerful date for your committed relationships as the Sun comes together with both Mercury and Saturn, making you prepared to communicate and make sacrifices for the sake of your relationship.
For Libra risings, the winter starts off on a great note for finances and career. Your attention is also focused there, since your birth chart ruler, Venus, is currently transiting your second house of personal finances and assets, making you a money magnet and particularly receptive to the energy of money. This transit of Venus will end on December 29th, so use this energy that you have in favor while you still can.
On Christmas Day, there is a beautiful energy between Venus, lighting up the area of your chart that has to do with money and Neptune, now direct, in your sixth house of routine, colleagues, and sixth house activities. Some of you can expect a bonus, raise, or promotion, especially if you make your workplace one that’s more compassionate and easier to inhabit – as most Libra risings tend to do.
The Full Moon of the month on December 27th falls on your tenth house of career and reputation. You’ll be reaping what you sowed six months ago. Important Libra placements aren’t given enough credit for how brainy and strategic you are. You have been planting seeds to get what you want in your career for months now, and you make your superiors and clients think it was all their idea, so those who didn’t see much movement a couple of days before will most likely benefit from this Full Moon. If the results are disappointing, take it as a learning opportunity and figure out what you could be doing better to get better results in the future.
In matters of fun, romance, children (including your inner child), and the arts, Libra risings, the plot thickens in January. The changes will be unexpected and dramatic and you may have to let go of some people, situations, and opportunities. Always remember that you are making space for bigger and better things. This is so because the Sun and Pluto will be conjunct in your fifth house representing the categories I have listed above, giving you some clarity on what’s about to change before Pluto starts a long transit through your fifth house and shakes things up.
By the end of January, as Venus moves to the fourth house on January 23rd, your focus will be in your home, your family, roots, past, and inner world.
February starts off on a great month for romance as Mercury enters your fifth house on February 5th, activating your communication and making matters more dynamic. On the same day, Mercury will be conjunct Pluto, aiding the process of dramatic change that has already started and giving you and the other parties involved the opportunity to articulate clearly whatever’s going on.
On February 9th, the New Moon of the month offers a fresh new start in your fifth house of casual relationships, romance, fun, the arts, and children. This is the time to manifest a fun 2024 and new opportunities in this area. This is all aided by the planets that are starting to move to this area of your chart. On February 13th, Mars enters your fifth house just in time for Valentine’s Day. It’ll give you energy and drive to secure a date. On the 16th, Venus follows suit, making you more magnetic and receptive to opportunities. If you’re an artist or in any way artistically inclined, this will be a time in which inspiration will strike.
If this focus on this area of life seems excessive and not very balanced (and I know you’re thinking on those terms as a person with a lot of Libra energy), don’t despair, Mercury leaves this area of your chart on February 23rd. In the meantime, enjoy the incredible magnetism you will enjoy on February 17th when Venus and Pluto come together, and, later, on February 22nd, when Venus and Mars come together creating beautiful opportunities of all sorts for you.
Tahe winter starts with some tension for Scorpio risings as on December 21st Venus, currently transiting your first house of self, forms an opposition with Uranus in your seventh house of committed partnership. Something between yourself and your partner or business associate may come up a bit out of the blue that will lead you to pause, reevaluate, negotiate, and grow.
The start of the winter also brings some new and fresh energy regarding your money and personal finances. On December 22nd, the Sun and Mercury will come together in your second house of personal finances, giving you both a surge of clarity and a boost in mental energy to sort out whatever needs to be sorted out in this area of your life.
The road towards harmonious one-on-one relationships, especially with a committed romantic partner or business associate, is still bumpy as on Christmas Day, Venus in your first house of self will oppose Neptune in your seventh house of partnership – once again, your own values and self-worth may conflict with a distorted view of reality of your partner, or your partner will ask you to think less about what you personally value and be more compassionate.
On December 29th, your finances start to move in a more favorable direction as Venus enters your second house of personal finances, making you a money magnet. This favorable energy will last until January 23rd, so act accordingly.
Jupiter has been retrograde in your seventh house of committed partnership for a few months. On New Year’s Eve, it finally goes direct, restoring the good luck you experienced in this area of life at the beginning of the year.
During January, in matters of the heart, there’s some specific energy available for those of you who are single and looking. There will be harmonious energy between Jupiter and Uranus in your seventh house of committed partnership and various planets transiting your third house of neighbors and neighborhood, communication, and short travel. You may meet someone exciting in places that have to do with these, especially on or around January 12th, January 19th, January 28th, and January 29th.
On January 25th, the Full Moon in Leo will take place in your tenth house of career and reputation. For some of you, it will be a time of harvest, as your efforts in this area of life will finally be rewarded. Others will have to take a hard look at what happens and make some serious changes.
February may be a month of domestic tension for Scorpio risings who are living with their partners. This is so because there will be several not-so-harmonious aspects throughout the month between planets in your seventh house of committed partnership and planets in your fourth house of domestic life. Scorpio risings who are partnered up but not living with their partners may find themselves needing to make an extra effort to handle their own emotions to work towards stability as a couple. Some particular dates to keep in mind are February 7th, February 8th, February 10th, February 17th, February 25th, February 27th.
Scorpio risings who are single may see the plot thickening on or around February 23rd when Mercury will enter your fifth house of romance and fun. This may mean you’ll be directing a lot of your mental energy here or a potential partner who is rather rational will enter the picture. On February 28th, the Sun is coming together with both Mercury and Saturn in this fifth house of fun and romance. If you’ve been dutiful, you may be rewarded with a brand new relationship with someone who’s reliable and also rather cerebral.
Sagittarius risings had Mercury go retrograde in their second house of personal finances and assets, so you are probably having unforeseen expenses and other annoying situations surrounding money. Don’t worry, though, it all ends on January 2nd. On December 28th, you will feel a surge of energy regarding your money, so you may be able to compensate for all the unforeseen expenses of Mercury retrograde by working extra hard.
On December 29th, Venus enters your first house, making you more magnetic to both people and opportunities. Jupiter, the ruler of your chart, has been retrograde since September. This may have manifested as fatigue. It goes direct right before the New Year on December 31st, and you will feel more energetic and lively.
Mars, the planet of proactivity and energy, enters your second house of personal assets and finances on January 4th, giving you a lot of extra energy surrounding your finances. You will feel like hustling, picking up an extra shift at work or a side gig, and trying to get a promotion. On January 10th, there will be extra harmonious energy surrounding your finances as the Sun in your second house of personal finances and assets forms a trine with Uranus on the sixth house. Similar energies are available on January 12th, January 19th, January 28th, and January 29th.
The New Moon of the month on January 11th will take place in your second house of personal finances, the body, and assets. If you don’t manifest some extra money coming your way, you can manifest a year of good health and vitality. Pluto has been transiting your second house for years now. Pluto is the planet of destruction, so you have probably been having a hard time holding on to your savings or setting up income streams. This will all be over on January 21st, when Pluto moves away from this area of your birth chart.
On January 23rd, more good news regarding your personal finances follow as Venus, a planet that attracts money like a magnet, moves into this very area of your birth chart. January 27th is also a great date to watch out for regarding your finances since Mercury and Mars join in your second house, giving you a lot of mental and physical energy to figure this out.
In February, these great vibes surrounding your money continue. On February 7th, Venus, in your second house of finances forms a trine with Uranus, currently stationed in your sixth house of habits and workplace activities. You may be rewarded by your organizational skills and productivity. February 24th offers a great opportunity to gain clarity regarding your career as the Full Moon of the Month occurs in the area of your birth chart regarding your career as a trajectory and your reputation. More than a time to manifest, Full Moons are a time to reap what you sow. It’s the end of a 6-month cycle and you will see clearly how your efforts to get better in this area of your life are starting to show results. If you’re not happy with what happens, take this as an opportunity to start planting new seeds.
You may have started out the month with a bit of confusion about your sense of self or identity, as Mercury went retrograde in your first house of self, identity, and the body on December 13th. This will clear up once the New Year is upon us, as Mercury goes retrograde on January 3rd.
December 27th is an eventful date for you. There will be some harmonious energy available for those of you who are artists, dating casually, or working on the more playful aspect of an established romantic relationship. This is so because the Sun in your first house of self will form a trine with Jupiter in your fifth house of the arts, self-expression, fun, free time, and casual romance. On this same day, the Full Moon will take place in your seventh house of committed partnership. You may be letting go of certain restricting ideas you have around romantic partnership or a new cycle will start in your love life.
January starts off with a major boost in energy as Mars enters Capricorn on January 4th. The New Moon of this month, on January 11th, will take place in your first house of self and identity. This is a great time to manifest a new chapter of your life and personal growth, take advantage of it.
Pluto, transiting your first house of self, the body, and identity, has been making you go through it for years. It finally leaves this area of your chart on January 21st, moving on to your second house of personal finances and assets.
For those of you looking for love, things are looking up after January 23rd, when Venus enters your first house of self and identity, making you magnetic to all sorts of potential partners. It will also make you magnetic to money and all sorts of opportunities. This transit will last on February 16th, when the benefic energy of Venus will influence exclusively your personal finances.
Speaking about money, there is a great opportunity to manifest wealth on February 9th, as the New Moon of this month will bring an energy of renewal to your second house of money. February 17th is also a date to watch out for regarding your money, as Venus comes together with Pluto in your second house of finances. Venus and Pluto together form a strange money magnet if you are willing and ready to let go of what no longer serves you and embrace the darker aspects of who you are.
For Aquarius risings, this winter starts off with excellent energy surrounding both your finances and your career. On December 25th, Venus, currently in your tenth house of career and reputation, forms a beautiful aspect with Neptune in your second house of personal finances and assets. It seems that your reputation is doing a lot of your bidding for you and may attract a lucrative opportunity on or around this date.
You have been feeling the effects of Mercury retrograde, which started on December 13th on the twelfth house of your subconscious, in one of the areas of your life where confusion and misunderstandings hurt the most to you – your friendship and community. On January 2nd, though, it finally goes direct, automatically easing the stress you’ve been feeling towards the beginning of winter.
Your identity and sense of self are about to experience quite a dramatic transformation. You’ll get a glimpse of what this transformation is all about the day before the transit starts, on January 20th, when the Sun and Pluto come together.
For those of you who are single or wishing for brand new energy in your committed partnerships (romantic or not), the New Moon of January 25th will take place in your seventh house. You may see a cycle regarding committed partners that started six months ago finally unravel and bear fruit.
February starts off with a huge emphasis on your identity and sense of self. On February 5th, Mercury enters the sign of Aquarius and comes together with Pluto, which has been transiting your sign since late January. This is an opportunity to articulate in ways you can understand the transformation that you started to observe in your sense of self or your body since late January. Pay attention to the conversations you have on or around this date, other people may subconsciously tune into what is about to unravel for you and offer clarity through their words.
On February 9th, there is a New Moon also in the sign of Aquarius. This is the time to manifest barriers coming down for your sense of self. Let go of limiting beliefs, the New Moon will carry them away and you will get a fresh start to become expansive and explore all the possibilities of who you can become. Mars and Venus will start transiting your first house of self on February 13th and February 16th respectively. Mars will give you a lot of drive and motivation to do whatever you have to do to push the boundaries of who you are. Venus, on the other hand, will work on making you more receptive and magnetic to the people and opportunities you need for growth and self-improvement at this time.
Transformation is inevitable, but it is sure looking like a beautiful winter for you, Aquarius rising!
The winter starts for Pisces risings with a lot of focused energy on their career as the Sun and Mercury come together in your tenth house of career and reputation on December 22nd, giving you plenty of mental clarity in this area. On December 27th, the Full Moon of the month will take place in your fifth house of fun and romance. This means the end of a cycle, both positive and negative – some will be making your casual relationships more formal, and others will decide to call it quits with your situationship. On that same date, Mercury, stationed in your tenth house of career, will form a tense aspect with your ruler, Neptune, now direct in your first house of self. You may experience some inner or outer tension regarding your own wants and wishes in your career and reality.
For those of you looking for a better job or more clients, start dropping resumés on and around December 29th, as on this date, Venus will start transiting your tenth house of career and reputation, making you magnetic to all sorts of lucrative and fulfilling opportunities. This transit will last until January 23rd.
Tensions between what you want or expect out of your career and what’s actually happening will continue in January, especially on and around January 1st, January 9th, and January 19th. Take it as an opportunity to observe how you react and how you can make positive changes here.
February will be the most eventful for you towards the end. On February 23rd, Mercury will enter your first house of self and identity, giving you a lot of mental stamina.
The Full Moon of this month on February 24th will take place in your seventh house of committed partnership. You will reap what you sowed or may be in for the end of a cycle regarding your committed romantic partner and/or business associate. Some of you will need to reevaluate how you relate to others.
Finally, the winter ends with a surge of energy for you as the Sun comes together with both Saturn and Mercury in your first house of identity and self on the last day of February, filling you with energy and focus to start taking charge of what your life looks like in a more intentional manner.
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